“I’m living out a dream right now” Scotty Barber talks about his debut album.

11880416_511309235692406_7321416532203295574_nDreams can come true and they certainly are for young rockabilly singer Scotty Barber, after his debut recording session for his album on Sunday at No Recording Studio in Rayleigh. The 24 year-old man from Hullbridge in Essex teamed up with three members from The Blazin Aces to record a ten track originals album on Sunday, and we at Mayhem Rockabilly, caught up with the man himself this evening.

“I am chuffed to pieces, I really am” beamed Scotty.

This has always been an ambition of mine, to get a CD recorded professionally with a band for a keepsake, and I have made huge strides in achieving this. I cannot thank the band enough and I owe a lot to them all, especially Guy, who believed in me from the very start and gave me the chance to perform live with his band”.


Scotty originally met The Blazin Aces last November at a local gig in Southend, he was originally approached to do some video work for the band, he then got talking to lead singer and guitarist Guy De Cruz at great length, then discussions about the album started.

“At first I didn’t know how serious to take it. I told Guy that I had done a few jam sessions and that I had recorded a few home demos that I would like to record someday, the next thing I knew, I was invited to the band rehearsals. Everybody welcomed me with open arms and we started jamming around with one of my demos, the following week I was invited to perform it live with the band in Strood, Kent. It was around the time my Dad was in hospital so it was a stressful time for myself and my family, so this little bit of news boosted my confidence and made me believe in myself again”.


After performing several times with the band, including at the bands’ administrator and general do-gooder Victoria’s birthday party, the studio was booked for the 16th August where the boys would finally lay down 10 original songs that Scotty wrote himself. The 24 year-old says he will be forever in the bands debt for giving him this opportunity to record his own original material.

“Everybody related to the band has been absolutely brilliant to me, I have seriously made friends for life with all of them, it’s like a little family. They’re all so talented, kind and caring, and my confidence in my own ability is back. I’ve loved every single minute of this journey so far, there is still quite a bit to do with the album in the mixing stage and I am also looking to re-record my vocals for ‘I’m Helpless’ and do that song as a duet with Nicola Cook.


Nic is fantastic, she has a great voice and her confidence has grown immensely too, if we can manage to arrange something to get her on the album, I will be over the moon”.

Scotty doesn’t know what the future holds as such, but he tells Mayhem that he isn’t exactly expecting a great deal, but whatever does come his way, he will cherish.

“There’s been slight talk of it being released on an independent record label, but talks are only at a basic stage. I’m not really expecting a great deal to come of this in all honesty, I am just a young man that has had the chance to record and perform my own material with my good friends, it doesn’t get much better than that. I guess the next step is to get the album fully mixed and furnished, release it online and see how things go. It really is exciting how something I do as a bit of enjoyment, people seem to like, it is an incredible feeling.

I hope I get the chance to perform regularly with the band still and maybe have my CD’s on sale at their gigs so I can kind of promote the album that way, but we will have to see. The band know I have 12 other little gems waited to be recorded” smiled the youngster.