Rob hopes the album will open a few new doors for the band as The Broadkasters release their latest recordings

Rob Glazebrook is one of the counties biggest players and the guitarist sat down to discuss his thoughts on the latest going’s on with The Broadkasters with Mayhem’s Scott Barber.

The album entitled ‘Hot Blues and Boogie!’ got its ‘official’ launch at The Railway Hotel in Southend on Sunday 26th May to a packed and appreciative crowd. His latest recordings are certainly impressive and the album sounds as if it was recorded back in the day. Since Mayhem last spoke to Rob there has been a change in line up and the current members all feature on the new record.

“Things are going good with the band at the moment. We have our new line up sorted, the sound sorted and we are trying to find new gigs. It’s difficult at times as we are trying to break into a scene that I have less knowledge of. Booking systems mean it can take years to get a gig, it took 7 years to get Blues on the Farm, so we are hoping the new CD opens a few more doors”.

The new album seems to have gone down extremely well in the early days since released and it’s certainly been played on repeat in Mayhem owner, Scott Barber’s car. The record sounds like it was recorded back in the day, and Rob is extremely happy with the recording set up.

“The new album was recorded at John Hannon’s ‘No Recording Studio’ in Rayleigh. John is so easy to work with and I have done all of recent recordings at his studio. He lets us use our old mics, and gives us full control over our sound. If there is a technical issue he will bring that to our attention. We recorded this album last November”.

The CD is mostly covers of a range of blues numbers from early rarities, fast, slow and an original track too. When asked what his favourite tracks were on the album, Rob had his favourites.

“It’s hard to name personal favourites because I do love them all” confirmed Rob. “We have a couple more coming out soon on a vinyl 45, however back to the album, I think the two slow numbers have a cool atmospheric sound that grabs you, for example ‘Sweet Little Angel’ and my own composition ‘Anna Lee’.

Rob is a well recognised personality on the music scene, both locally and internationally and the singer has aims for the future with the band. He still has two other bands he fronts as well as playing guitar in the Star Lite Trio with Johnny Gunner, but he hopes to continue with all projects.

“We just want to keep playing as much as possible, which is complicated by myself and the others’ commitments, but things are starting to happen for this band slowly but surely”.

“I still front The Playboys, but mostly The Houserockers, which takes up a large portion of available time. However, there is more time becoming available to do the blues stuff. It’s difficult to define what gives you most pleasure, as I feel very much at home with all genres.

However, if push came to shove, I love playing blues and my education in this field has been helped by Little Victor and being able to recently play with him”.

‘Hot Blues & Boogie!’ is now available to purchase from the band.

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